Tuesday, November 17, 2009

what is it?

it's a biscotti fur ball!!! kawaii na? after brushing her and collecting all the hair, i poked it with a needle-felting needle for about 10 minutes and i finally made my first needle-felting product! hahahhaa this was one of my new year's resolution for 2009 lol. yay for november! another one was to finish my japan trip scrapbook. which i still haven't hehe the trip was in 2007 :D

this is my goal - i can't even read the title of the book T__T so here's the cover page to credit the author:


  1. lol.... trus km jadi berhasil bikin boneka apa kah dari furr nya biscotti? hahahahaha.... luucu yaa...

    jadi inget cerita di buku sentaroo terakhir2.... inget ga? :D

  2. blom bikin anything yet! ya! i was smiling so hard when i read that bit! XD
