Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Soothed Nind.

supposed to be "My Soothed Mind" but then msn will be msm so replace the N with the M when you're reading it.

msn is fun. after not having been on it for a really long time, you forget that some things can only naturally come out when it's written - like the weird/crazy parts of a conversation, or talking about every single topic you want because there's nothing inappropriate online (i don't mean inappropriate like THAT but more like "what the hell does this have to do with the stuff we're talking about before" inappropriate for a certain time/place thing)
and plus i find more things to talk about when i type them compared to writing or sadly and ironically, talking. i wish my brain viewed things like my fingers on the keyboard (omg what the hell) so i can be more interesting when i seem to be stuck in an unoriginal mode.

something for pessimistic people who own a computer: be happy you can play until whenever you want (or for certain disturbed people, go on whatever site you want ihh) without having to worry about somebody reclaiming their property or worse, looking over your shoulder to read what you're "exploring"!! or more like firefox-ing.


i'm eating the krispy kreme lime flavoured donut. it doesn't taste like lime. maybe because i just brushed my teeth and my nose is blocked.

and i've found that the big bang theory is fast-talking and has too-genius and therefore super funny dialogue like how i prefer my tv series to be! and so....i will be watching today. sacrificing the sushi train which i have craved since a few weeks ago. (and one of the producer's from gilmore girls!!)

ok bye.

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