Friday, February 13, 2009

(since it's really late and i just watched life on mars...)

"life on mars" is this new tv show about a police/detective that after getting hit by a car, wakes up transported to the past to the year 1973.
and when he looks at his new surroundings, he thinks to himself (not these words perse..), "if this is not real, how can there be so much detail?" - not believing how he could perceive so much of his new 1973 world - the people, clothes, look, feel.

and can't that be said about the 'real' world he was supposedly living in? ie. the world we're all living in?.... if this wasn't real, how can we possibly imagine things that we ourselves don't comprehend? like the incredibly complex scientific discoveries that physicists make about the world.

in other words, if we (ordinary people) don't even understand it (like these new discoveries), how can we imagine other people capable of knowing/explaining them?

this is hard to explain.
i'll stop my (probably non-sensical to anyone other than myself) rambling now.

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